MINDFUL MONDAYS: Chef D’Andre Miller
While the mind, body and soul are intricately connected, it is arguably the mind that is the glue that holds everything together. As the saying goes, “everything starts in the mind.” And taking care of our minds MUST be a top priority if we are to live our best lives.
Therapy is just one way that we can take care of our minds. And we don’t have to go to therapy only when there’s some wrong or out of order in our lives. Regular mental health check-ins with a therapist should be just as routine as seeing a healthcare provider for a check-up. There’s absolutely no shame in it. If you’re in need of a therapist, our good friend Dr. Marcus Smith from The Family Institute at Northwestern University can help get you connected, REGARDLESS OF YOUR ABILITY TO PAY! Feel free to reach out to him at marcus.smith1@northwestern.edu and tell him that your MBS Wellness Circle family sent you!
In the meantime, check out this video from ChiWellness ambassador Chef D’Andre Miller, who offers some insight into how he takes care of his mind. And for more about Chef D’Andre, you can read an in-depth interview with him in the latest edition of ChiWellness
For more information on how to take care of your Mind, Body, and Soul.