Wellness Retreat @ Ronora Lodge

Set against the serene backdrop of Watervliet, Michigan, the Mind, Body, and Soul Health and Wellness Circle recently embarked upon our very first Wellness Retreat. Within this intentionally crafted environment, nearly 50 Black gay, bisexual and same gender loving men were afforded an opportunity to engage in a series of interactive workshops and activities designed to promote healing and overall well-being. Incorporating stretching, massage, acupuncture and the meditative practice of Qi Gong, participants were consistently reminded of the need to take care of ourselves holistically and unapologetically. We took nature hikes to invigorate our spirits, and some were even daring enough to jump into the chilly lake waters for a cleansing and rejuvenating reset! And, of course, we made time to have some fun and enjoy the company of one another.

Through elements of Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire, our spiritual wellness leaders guided us on a journey of introspection and collective healing, providing enlightening moments of clarity and personal confirmation that we are loved EXACTLY as we are. Several participants courageously opened up about the burdens of trauma and discrimination that they’ve been carrying for years, receiving an outpour of genuine empathy and support from their fellow brothers. The end result is a prideful sense of community that will expand far beyond the weekend.

In case you missed it… check out the full media gallery below — then RSVP for future events.

buzz McBride

Media-Ographer & Community-Builder


Transgiving @ Project Vida
